"I've been working with Brown Packaging for almost 4 years now. When issues of packaging come up my first thought is "I wonder if Brown can help us?" The answer has always been YES! Thanks."
Dave Carr - Hubbardton Forge - Castleton VT

Tamper Evident Shrink Band Systems

Axon Corp., the leading manufacturer of sleeve labeling equipment with thousands of installations around the globe, continues to set new standards for technology, utility, performance and value. It is also the only manufacturer in the world to offer standard machines capable of processing various shaped products ranging from 3/8" - 15" in diameter with speeds ranging from 20-600 ppm. Examples of this system include printed sleeves around windshield washer fluid or gallon containers of laundry bleach. Standard machines operate at rates of up to 60 bottles per minute. 

Brown Packaging can help you purchase, install, service and intruct on the operations of Tamper Evident Shrink Band Systems as well as other packaging machinery.

Contact us today!

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